2012 Highlight of ASH (HOA) in Asia

ASH年會素為血液病學界最大且最好的年度國際學術會議,近年ASH在美洲各地舉辦多場Highlight of ASH,希望將年度ASH會議上的精華呈現給更多血液病醫師及學者。今年首次在亞洲中國大陸舉辦2011 Highlight of ASH (HOA) in Asia,明年則將在3月3~4日於新加坡舉行2012 HOA in Asia,並邀請本學會協辦。HOA報名方式如下英文附件,本會會員有優惠,敬邀會員踴躍報名參加。

1.HOA Early bird registration ends November 14.
2.本學會近年致力於加強研修醫師(Fellow in Training)之訓練及教育,此Highlight of ASH in Asia活動對血液病專科研修醫師的知識增長及眼界拓展將有明顯幫助,故本會鼓勵資深研修醫師(Senior Fellows)參與此活動。為此學會理事長及秘書處與Novartis及BMS兩公司磋商後得兩公司允諾,提供贊助共20位研修醫師參與此活動,本會將於近期將報名相關訊息公告給各資深研修醫師(第二年,或合併訓練之第三年尚未考過血專者)且日後將專注於血液病臨床或研究領域者知悉。因名額有限,若報名者過多,本會將再篩選其中20位參與,並將由學會統一報名參加。

Highlights of ASH® in Asia
Online Registration Instructions for Members of the Hematology Society of Taiwan

In order to register online for the Highlights of ASH in Asia, you will need to login to your ASH account. If you do not already have one, you will be prompted to create one during the registration process.

1.Go to https://store.hematology.org. At the top right-hand corner of the screen, you will see two buttons, Create New Account and Login.
a.If you already have an ASH account, login using your e-mail address as the User ID. If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Password link to reset it.
b.If you do not have an ASH account, click on Create New Account. Fill in all the requested information and click Create New Account at the bottom of the screen.

2.You will then be taken to the main ASH Store page. Under Product Category on the left-hand side, click on Highlights of ASH, then on 2012 Highlights of ASH in Asia – Singapore.

3.Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the Add to Cart button.

4.On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a box labeled “Shopping Cart”, containing the meeting you just added.

5.Click the Check Out button and follow the prompts until you come to Step 5, which is “Place Order”.

6.In the Discount Code field, enter HST and click Apply Discount. This will give you the discount.

7.Enter your credit card information and click Place Order. You will receive on-screen confirmation that you can print for your records.

If you have questions, please contact ASH Customer Relations at 1+202-776-0544 or customerservice@hematology.org.
