
09:00〜09:10 年會開幕–理事長致詞 09:10~10:00 台灣癌症末期照顧的發展現況 The current situation of terminal cancer care 10:00~12:00 老年人的癌症研討會 Cancer in the elderly 10:00~10:25 生理的老化對癌症處理和決策面的影響 Physiologic aspects of aging: impact on cancer management and decision making 10:25~10:30 討論 10:30~10:55 結合老年評估融入癌症的臨床實務 Integrating geriatric assessment into oncology practice 10:55~11:00 討論 11:00~11:25 老年人癌症處理的原則 Principles of elderly cancer treatment 11:25~11:30 討論 11:30~11:55 老年人癌症病患的病房及居家護理照顧 The wards and home nursing care of the elderly cancer patients 11:55~12:00 討論 12:00~12:30 會 員 大 會 12:30~13:00 午 餐 13:00~13:50 台灣癌因性疲憊症治療的現況 Taiwanese cancer related fatigue syndrome treatment status 14:00~14:50 晚期非小細胞肺癌患者在疾病進展後的存活 Postprogression Survival in Patients With Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 14:50~15:10 Coffee Break 15:10~16:00 如何預防癌症患者接受標靶及化學治療乙型肝炎病毒再激活 How to prevent hepatitis B virus reactivation in cancer patients undergoing target and chemotherapy 16:10~17:00 癌症標靶藥物的副作用是否影響藥物的效應及生活品質 Side effects of targeted therapy affect the drug's effect and quality of life 09:10~10:00 癌症疼痛管理的現況與發展願景 Current situation and future perspectives of cancer pain management 10:10~11:00 處理骨轉移, Denosumab 與 zoledronic acid 的比較 Denosumab versus zoledronic acid for treatment of bone metastases 11:10~12:00 排鐵治療對骨髓造血功能不良症候群病人的臨床益處 Clinical benefit of chelation therapy in MDS patients 12:30~13:00 午 餐 13:00~13:50 癌症突發疼痛的處理 Management of breakthrough cancer pain 14:00~14:50 癌症疼痛處理的最適化:鴉片類藥物選擇的考量 Optimizing Cancer Pain Management: Consideration in Choice of Opioids 14:50~15:10 Coffee Break 15:10~16:00 新的止吐藥療效評估及定出抗腫瘤藥致吐性的重要性 Evaluation of new antiemetic agents and definition of antineoplastic agent emetogenicity 16:10~17:00 PRACTICE study:亞太地區國家CINV的治療現況與化療引起噁心嘔吐處理之指引 PRACTICE study: A report of current management of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) in Asia-pacific countries and update on the guideline of CINV management