
2018 TSCPM Annual meeting

09:10~09:30 如何提早做緩和治療才能對無法治癒的癌症病患有幫助 How early palliative care may benefit patients with Incurable cancer. 09:30~10:00 如何提早做緩和治療才能對無法治癒的癌症病患有幫助 How early palliative care may benefit patients with Incurable cancer 10:00~10:40 止吐療法新趨勢及癌症病人實際反應之重要性 The increasing role of patient reported outcomes in cancer care and a focus on new trends in antiemetic therapy 10:50~11:30 癌症病人的骨骼照護 Bone health management for patients with cancer. 11:20~12:00 癌因性疲憊症的護理照護及藥物處理 Nursing care and Pharmacological treatments for cancer-related fatigue. 13:30~14:30 癌症疼痛之藥物治療指引第七版發表 Guidelines for the pharmacological management of cancer pain in Taiwan presentation. 14:30~15:10 新型強效鴉片類製劑對癌症疼痛處理的好處:談oxycodone及buprenorphine貼片 How new formulation of strong opioids benefit to cancer pain management: oxycodone and buprenorphine patch. 15:30~16:10 病患接受高致吐性化學治療的止吐預防 Control of emesis in patients receiving high ementogenic chemotherapy. 16:10~16:50 09:10~09:40 腦轉移的放射生物學及放射治療 Radiobiology and radiotherapy of brain metastases. 09:40~10:20 放射治療在免疫治療的角色 The role of radiation therapy in immunotherapy. 10:30~11:10 免疫治療在頭頸癌最新發展近況 Emerging paradigm for Immuno-oncology in head and neck cancer treatment. 11:10~11:50 癌症免疫療法的免疫相關的副作用 Immune-related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors. 14:30~15:10 化學治療與免疫療法於轉移性乳癌的搭配策略 Treatment strategy of chemotherapy combination with immunotherapy in metastatic breast cancer. 15:30~16:10 HER2轉移性乳癌的治療進展 Targeting HER2 : Change the story in metastatic (+) breast cancer. 16:10~16:50 賀爾蒙陽性晚期乳癌治療新領域 A new frontier in treatment of HR+ breast cancer.